Prime Reference Weight
Engineered from Mpingo with a cocobolo top level. These tone woods are unmatched in musical resonance control. Uncovers inner details and previously unheard nuances while simultaneously lowering the noise floor. Mind blowing at times.
Finished and buffed 10x at 4000rpm with German hard wax.
Weight- 325 grams/ 11.4oz (+/- 10%)
Size-6.35cm / 2.5”tall
7.62cm / 3” wide
$895 USD
A design that is unmistakably Massif, casts a pleasingly impressive silhouette from every angle. Without exception each piece of wood is hand-picked and never ordered sight unseen, a testimony to their unequaled good looks.
Massif racks rely on tonal qualities and sympathetic vibrations rather than isolation. Made entirely out of solid woods, our racks can infuse both a warm feel and engaging sound to rooms furnished with modest equipment or lavishly equipped with the highest quality gear available. Always considerable in significance, equalled only by natural beauty, our racks are available in boundless options to meet your specific needs.
All Massif racks are built to easily hold any weight gear. Weight limits are for suckers
Single wide-starting at $2100 USD
Double wide-starting at $3450 USD
Triple wide-starting at $4400 USD
All racks come with SoundCare Super spikes by SEAS.
Prime Reference Weight
Engineered from Mpingo with a cocobolo top level. These tone woods are unmatched in musical resonance control. Uncovers inner details and previously unheard nuances while simultaneously lowering the noise floor. Mind blowing at times.
Finished and buffed 10x at 4000rpm with German hard wax.
Weight- 325 grams/ 11.4oz (+/- 10%)
Size-6.35cm / 2.5”tall
7.62cm / 3” wide
$895 USD
A design that is unmistakably Massif, casts a pleasingly impressive silhouette from every angle. Without exception each piece of wood is hand-picked and never ordered sight unseen, a testimony to their unequaled good looks.
Massif racks rely on tonal qualities and sympathetic vibrations rather than isolation. Made entirely out of solid woods, our racks can infuse both a warm feel and engaging sound to rooms furnished with modest equipment or lavishly equipped with the highest quality gear available. Always considerable in significance, equalled only by natural beauty, our racks are available in boundless options to meet your specific needs.
All Massif racks are built to easily hold any weight gear. Weight limits are for suckers
Single wide-starting at $2100 USD
Double wide-starting at $3450 USD
Triple wide-starting at $4400 USD
All racks come with SoundCare Super spikes by SEAS.
Far more than just mini versions of our racks, our platforms do share the same gorgeous alternating, and vibration slaying grain pattern design as our racks, but are even more versatile. Platforms can be used to further dampen vibration by sharing the spotlight on a shelf, or if you’re feeling sassy you can have us install a set of mpingo legs, and voila! You now have an amp stand that may outweigh your amp. Amp stands can be ordered in pairs to accommodate mono blocks.
Starting at $595 USD
Penult Reference Weight
Engineered from solid cocobolo, an excellent tone wood, unequalled at this price. Sharing similar properties with the Prime Reference, with marginally less detail reveal and warmth but similar noise floor reduction.
Finished and buffed 10x at 4000rpm with German hard wax.
Weight- 300 grams/ 10.5 oz (+/- 10%)
Size-6.35cm / 2.5”tall
7.62cm / 3” wide
$595 USD
Geometrically pleasing, our cable risers are designed to do one thing well–keep your expensive power and speaker cables off the floor and static-charged rugs. Never has something so controversial been so beautiful.
Cable risers fall into a kind of grey area with Massif. They aren’t always available. So, shoot an email, we may have something amazing floating around the shop or coming down the pipe.
$500-$1000 USD per set of 8, exotic woods only. (Ebony, rosewood, bubinga, cocobolo, lignum vitae, mpingo, pau ferro etc….)
Hand rubbed with African snake oil. 🙂
A design that is unmistakably Massif, casts a pleasingly impressive silhouette from every angle. Without exception each piece of wood is hand-picked and never ordered sight unseen, a testimony to their unequaled good looks.
Massif racks rely on tonal qualities and sympathetic vibrations rather than isolation. Made entirely out of solid woods, our racks can infuse both a warm feel and engaging sound to rooms furnished with modest equipment or lavishly equipped with the highest quality gear available. Always considerable in significance, equalled only by natural beauty, our racks are available in boundless options to meet your specific needs.
All Massif racks are built to easily hold any weight gear. Weight limits are for suckers
Single wide-starting at $2100 USD
Double wide-starting at $3450 USD
Triple wide-starting at $4400 USD
All racks come with SoundCare Super spikes by SEAS.
Geometrically pleasing, our cable risers are designed to do one thing well–keep your expensive power and speaker cables off the floor and static-charged rugs. Never has something so controversial been so beautiful.
Cable risers fall into a kind of grey area with Massif. They aren’t always available. So, shoot an email, we may have something amazing floating around the shop or coming down the pipe.
$500-$1000 USD per set of 8, exotic woods only. (Ebony, rosewood, bubinga, cocobolo, lignum vitae, mpingo, pau ferro etc….)
Hand rubbed with African snake oil. 🙂
Far more than just mini versions of our racks, our platforms do share the same gorgeous alternating, and vibration slaying grain pattern design as our racks, but are even more versatile. Platforms can be used to further dampen vibration by sharing the spotlight on a shelf, or if you’re feeling sassy you can have us install a set of mpingo legs, and voila! You now have an amp stand that may outweigh your amp. Amp stands can be ordered in pairs to accommodate mono blocks.
Starting at $595 USD
A design that is unmistakably Massif, casts a pleasingly impressive silhouette from every angle. Without exception each piece of wood is hand-picked and never ordered sight unseen, a testimony to their unequaled good looks.
Massif racks rely on tonal qualities and sympathetic vibrations rather than isolation. Made entirely out of solid woods, our racks can infuse both a warm feel and engaging sound to rooms furnished with modest equipment or lavishly equipped with the highest quality gear available. Always considerable in significance, equalled only by natural beauty, our racks are available in boundless options to meet your specific needs.
All Massif racks are built to easily hold any weight gear. Weight limits are for suckers
Single wide-starting at $2100 USD
Double wide-starting at $3450 USD
Triple wide-starting at $4400 USD
All racks come with SoundCare Super spikes by SEAS.